
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Week threeeee!

So yeah, my crate got a 97. Yeah. I'm kind of awesome sometimes.

My homework this past weekend was to play video games, so I played TOR. Yeah, I'm still playing that. 'Cause I love it. It's awesome. Finished the Imperial Agent and Bounty Hunter storylines a few months back, and am slowly plodding through the Sith Inquisitor and Jedi Consular. I've got a few bones to pick with the companion writers, but I'll make it. Also watched a butt-ton of Doctor Who, trying to catch up on all the MANY seasons I missed. Adore Martha, can't wait for Donna. Would trade Rose for Madame de Pompadour any day. And I made pumpkin spice pancakes and pumpkin spice bread over the last week.

Last week, we did hand-painted tiling textures. We had two days. It was horrifying and fun. Enjoyed it. Brick and wood were required. The other two were optional. I went with cloth and patent leather.

Dunno what I got on it, but I'll find out sometime this week. The final week is painting some kind of barrel-y, cylindrical thing. I find out later today. If I can get out of the apartment on time.

Extra super special bonus thank yous to Mad Bee, who critiqued my work as I was working. <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

Other than that, I wanted to start working on this one painting of Park Slope. I won't be able to do anything until later this week, after I finish my TPS work, but:

Also started reading Saga. And considering what terrible pain I went through to get to it, it's paying off quite well. The first volume is AWESOME and I will be buying it every month when it starts getting published again.

(I tripped and twisted my foot, which had me walking incorrectly for a few days, which created other problems. I still can't walk properly or stand too long with my weight on that foot.)

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